"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"
Matthew 28:19
Precision Valley Baptist Church supports the missionary endeavor of the Southern Baptist Convention through its missionary agencies: the North American Mission Board (NAMB), and the International Mission Board (IMB).
Besides these two missionary offerings, PVBC engages the community of Springfield, VT through an intentional missional program called Christmas Giving Shop.
Besides these two missionary offerings, PVBC engages the community of Springfield, VT through an intentional missional program called Christmas Giving Shop.

Annie Armstrong
Easter Offering
The offering was started in 1895 by Woman's Missionary Union® (WMU) to benefit the work of the Home Mission Board (now North American Mission Board). In 1934, it was named in honor of Annie Armstrong, a bold missions advocate and WMU's first national executive leader. Today, more than $2 billion has been donated by Southern Baptist churches and individuals to support thousands of missionaries in church planting and compassion ministries. Because of this sacrificial giving, millions of lives have been and continue to be transformed by the power of the gospel.

Lottie Moon
Christmas Offering
Lottie Moon was sent as a Southern Baptist missionary to China from 1873 to 1912. She saw firsthand the world’s greatest problem — LOSTNESS. Meeting so many people who had never heard the gospel compelled her to write letters to American churches describing the need for a greater missionary presence. She pleaded for increased prayer and financial support to send and sustain more missionaries. This challenge became known as the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®.

Giving Shop
PVBC's Christmas Giving Shop is an annual event that provides local families the opportunity to shop for their kids during the Christmas season. Throughout the year, PVBC raises money and accepts donations of toys and other items for children from birth to 18 years of age. When the Giving Shop opens in December, families get to come and select items for their children. Last year the Giving Shop helped dozens of local families and hundreds of kids. PVBC member (and Fellowship Leader), Peggy Hollcraft, leads the charge for this local missional program.